Sunday, April 27, 2008

Modded Phone and SMS

The modded Phone and SMS apps are the stock Apple Phone and SMS apps
that shows up on the home screen of an iPod Touch.
There ARE some other repos and sites with it but
most of them show up as MobilePhone and SMS on your
Home Screen. These ones show up as Phone and Text.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Useful Battery Images

These are some useful battery images made by my
friend gadgetsboyj who has retired from the iPod
Touch community. You can't tell just from peaking
at it if its done or almost done charging.
This fixes that problem. You must apply this by
going into "Customize Images and Sounds", then
"System Images", then Battery. For Customize
2.0 ONLY!

Customize 2.0 Fix

This is a theme fix for Customize 2. It is a perfectly
original OriginalBackup theme! You MUST install
and then uninstall the prep first! This package CAN
be uninstalled but it won't actually delete anything.
It WILL seem to get stuck, but leave it alone.

Fix Customize Prep

This prepares you for installing my OriginalBackup
theme fix for Customize 2.0. Uninstall this before
installing the fix! It will remove your current
OriginalBackup Theme with problems.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Cracks is an app that lets you trick your friends into
thinking that your screen is broken.

The original forum page at iPTF is here.

Modded SMS

The modded SMS app is the stock Apple SMS app
that shows up on the home screen of an iPod Touch.
There ARE some other repos and sites with it but
most of them show up as SMS on your
Home Screen. This one shows up as Text.


Welcome to my Installer Repo Page!

My repo is for different types of things. I finally got
some stuff up. If you would like you own repo post
on this page. I will maintain it for you.

Modded Phone

The modded Phone app is the stock Apple Phone app
that shows up on the home screen of an iPod Touch.
There ARE some other repos and sites with it but
most of them show up as MobilePhone on your
Home Screen. This one shows up as Phone.